Overall, I think that asides from possesing the 'quantity' of 'talent' enough (which you do, already), being 'persistent' on the publishing of your drawings (without 'suffocating' yourself, though, of course) is the main 'key' of the continuation of the 'growth' of your 'digits'...
...However, having said this, I would like to make you one thing clear, in addition: please, 'absent' yourself from 'over-focusing' on the digits, and 'making-them-grow'. Trust me. It's not 'worth-it' (at least, at 'long-term'), and it possibly may end up making you to 'collapse' in frustration for not being 'able' to make them increase 'faster', or to 'a-bigger-scale', sooner than later. Make sure to 'take-your-time' to form your public/fanbase. We aren't at a 'race', nor a 'competition' after all, and you'll see that it's 'healthier' that way for you, 'facing' the future :3.
Overall, I think that asides from possesing the 'quantity' of 'talent' enough (which you do, already), being 'persistent' on the publishing of your drawings (without 'suffocating' yourself, though, of course) is the main 'key' of the continuation of the 'growth' of your 'digits'...
...However, having said this, I would like to make you one thing clear, in addition: please, 'absent' yourself from 'over-focusing' on the digits, and 'making-them-grow'. Trust me. It's not 'worth-it' (at least, at 'long-term'), and it possibly may end up making you to 'collapse' in frustration for not being 'able' to make them increase 'faster', or to 'a-bigger-scale', sooner than later. Make sure to 'take-your-time' to form your public/fanbase. We aren't at a 'race', nor a 'competition' after all, and you'll see that it's 'healthier' that way for you, 'facing' the future :3.
Yeah, that makes sense! Thanks for the encouragement, I suppose that is a very healthy way to look at things :)